Are ISHA courses accredited and nationally recognized?

Dr. Morse's courses, based on 50 years of clinical experience, offer certification but are unaccredited, prioritizing pure, uncompromised healing knowledge over mainstream approval.

All our courses offer certification upon successful completion, however they're not “accredited” (nor will they likely ever be).

When you submit to a licensing board, or an accrediting board, you essentially turn over your power and agree to receive their “stamp of approval” (or you must alter your work to meet their criteria).

Dr. Morse has never been interested in submitting his work to an accrediting board anywhere, as his work is pure truth derived from over 50 years of actual clinical experience.He will not compromise on that to meet the approval of someone else’s ideas or perceptions.

Even with naturopathic schools, there is a tendency towards mainstream thinking; treating diseases, treating symptomatically and using chemical isolates.

Dr. Morse does not agree with this, and chooses to keep his work pure rather than diluting it to suit the views of a board or committee (which very often contains members with little or no actual clinical experience!).

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